So much has been going on this summer! We've moved to a new town and we are currently living with my mother and her husband. While it hasn't been too terrible, Jamie and I are so ready to move into our own place!
We found out over the summer that Amelia has a heart problem that is currently under control with medicine but it does mean we go everywhere with an AED. This also poses a problem with daycare. So far I haven't been able to find anyone who is willing to care for her. We're fine until December and then we lose our Bucknell girl and then I don't know what we'll do!
Otherwise, Jamie is working hard remodeling the apartment we'll move into and hopefully we'll be able to start moving some things in this weekend! Monday the countertop will get made and then hopefully appliances will be put in this week.
This weekend is the Selinsgrove Market Street Festival and then our friends Zap and Patty are getting married! Can't wait to show Amelia the festival and then I can't wait to put my new dress on and have some fun!
16 hours ago