Wednesday, January 9, 2013

My father keeps calling me to tell me everything we bought today would have been significantly cheaper because he just found the crazycoupon lady! Hilarious!

Bonding time with my dad

My sad and I are headed out on a shopping trip to furnish his house in Florida and I get a much needed despite from the crazy girls! I need to pick up pajamas for Stella, I have never seen a child grow so fast! Amelia would sit in the same size for months while Stella has grown out of three month size in about a month!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Beginning of the end!

Today marks the beginning of the end of grad school! I can't believe I have made it this far and I'm excited to get my thesis moving! I think now would be a good time to figure out my schedule so I can get all this raw arch done!!

Friday, January 4, 2013


Amelia started preschool on Thursday and it was incredibly stressful for me! I was so afraid of how she would react or not react and that she would have potty accidents and ask us not to come back! Oh my! She ended up doing really good with one potty accident which I knew would happen since she was thrown by the wee little potty they have there. I'm not sure how to convince she needs to use it!
My little girl is getting big and it's both fantastic and terrifying!